Unbelievable Yet Amazing

May 21, 2008

What Would You Think?

Take a good look at your life. Now, right now you have a bias look on your life, you probably don't think that you are a bad person, and you are doing well in life. But, what do you think your child-self would think of you? Would they agree with what you think right now. Just think about what you thought about high schoolers, and other old people when you were in elementary school. I'm pretty sure when you were that young your acceptance of what is right and wrong is a whole lot different then they are now. Yes, granted as childern we were niave, but we were also uncorupt. In elementary school, you haven't been exposed to drugs, alcohal, and all the other such occurances in high school. I don't mean that all high schoolers are drinking and doing drugs, but I mean that in elementary school no one you know has drank exept for your teacher. It is just strange that over the years I am pretty sure we become more accepting of illegal activity. Instead of maturing when we grow up and establishing morals, it seems that more people do just the opposite, do what they know is wrong, what they had been braught up knowing is wrong. If you have gone down that road, it is your decision, and do what you want. (This is kind of one of thoes examples of were I have just began to accept that others do this). But, what would your 3rd grade self think of you now?

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