Unbelievable Yet Amazing

May 11, 2008

I don't get it

We all have called someone names we have never met. It may be the jack a$$ who cut you off, the dirt ball, or the stuck up, the slut, but you have done it. I'll admit I have before and probably will again. But, the person with the pimples all over their face may not have washed their face enough or maybe it is just their genes, they can't help that, so why do we label them dirty. The stuck up that ignored you, yes they could have done it for no reason or maybe you were rude to them once, or maybe they were just in a bad mood and wanted to be left alone. There was certainly a time when you blew someone off. Then the slut. You may not agree with their decisions but they made them, they may regret them, no one goes around thinking, who am I going to get with today. Chances are they just aren't good at judging the difference between the guy who cares about them and the guy who just wants to "get some". They may think that this is the one, so why not if it makes them happy. Then when they get screwed over we don't label the guy a pig who just left, we say she is a slut.

It is not fair to label people. They are who they are, we all make our own decisions, those decisions shape us. They may be the wrong ones but we still made them and have to deal with them. No one in the world wants people to think of them in a bad way, so why do we think that way about others. The golden rule, "treat others as you wish to be treated." I'm not implying that everyone in the world should get along with each other, and we should all be one big happy family, this would be naive. What I don't understand is basically the whole high school click deal. Why do you have to stick to just the one click you have? What is wrong with the band geeks, jocks, nerds, dirties, etc. I would consider myself all of the above. I was in band all of middle school and two years of high school, I have plenty of friends in band. I am a jock; I have done just about every sport in the book, and have done four in high school, many of my friends are jocks. I am a nerd, I am in four AP classes (and I am sorry but if you are in AP Lang you are too, you are applying yourself in school) the most I can be in this year unless I took a zero hour, and I have plenty of "dorks" for friends. And yes, I would consider myself a "dirty." I shower everyday so I don't need any smart comments about that, as I do all of my "dirty friends." I don't understand why some people are labeled dirty, they are just as hygienic as the rest of us, the only difference it their clothes, and their friends.

So label me all you want, I am my own person, and I am getting tired of all the high school bull. The immaturity of labeling people you don't know, and being ridiculed for having someone as a friend. I know everyone has labeled someone else, but have you ever had a conversation with them? Do you actually know them well enough to describe them, besides their appearance? What happens when you do meet someone you wouldn't usually associate with? Think about a class, you are given a seat next to someone you don't know, they are not one of your friends, or even a friend of a friend. What happens usually by the time you switch seats next? You are friends with them. You may deny it, because your friends call them dirty or slutty, but you didn't find anything really that wrong with them. All I'm saying is, "can't we just get along?"

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