Unbelievable Yet Amazing

May 1, 2008

The Quest is Over

Ever since we have started blogging in our class, and found out Mr. Ayers had one too, we have been trying to find it. So finally today, May 1st we found it. We were in the computer lab once again and of course after a few minutes those of us up in the front began searching for the blog once again. We went through our fare share of searches and possibles. We found some people talking about many different Micheal Ayers's, some were good others we will simply say were not. Such as the what we can only assume was a teenage girl calling him a @#* guzzling $@!&. This and many other interesting people were found throughout the search, it's funny how many people and websites are connected to Micheal Ayers, most of them not even the one many of us know.

We finally did find it,
http://panoptiblog.blogspot.com/, and I still haven't done more than read the titles. I don't know what to expect, I think it will be interesting although it is for the University of Iowa, so for all I know it may only pertain the his classes, of which I will probably know nothing about. This probably does sound strange that we spent time doing this, to think of it I don't know why we did, but we did anyways and you know what, we found it which is all we were trying to do.

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