Unbelievable Yet Amazing

May 27, 2008

National Treasure (2)

The National Treasure series is one of the best selling right now. The second movie just came out and I did think it was pretty good, just like the last one was. Although the more I watch these movies and other ones like them, I find them less and less believable. When the first one came out, I was little younger and accepted that the whole concept was believable, even though it was extremely unlikely. But, now when I watch them after the first time, I just think they are stretching things too far. Yes, Benjamin Gates may know a lot of history, but there is no way he knows enough of it well enough to figure out the clues that are left behind in a minute. I think if you had a computer, a lot of people, and wikipedia then maybe you could figure out the clues in a few hours, but when one guy just thinks really hard and knows exactly where every piece of history is and was, it just makes it unreal. Despite this, I would still recommend the movies to others and let them decide for themselves how realistic they think it is.

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