Unbelievable Yet Amazing

March 27, 2008

One more Day!

We are almost on spring break, thank god. I don't know about everyone else but this school thing has been killing me lately. Not only the fact that it seems like we are in an endless winter, going to school in this crappy weather, but just my class loads seem to be slowly increasing with each weak. It seems to just be so much later this year than all the past years. Now it is probably just the same, I don't really know but with all the other local schools with earlier spring breaks and the fact that this is just one more year on what seems like and endless cycle of school.

For my break I plan to relax. My family and I are going to Florida. After we get back I am going just relax and be a couch potato, despite my last entry. Of course I am going to have homework despite the word, break, but I'm not doing it until I absolutely must. So with this all planned out in my head, I should have perfect break, even though I probably won't.

P.S. happy spring break to all.

March 26, 2008

Gettin' the Junk in the Trunk

Nearly 65% of people in America age overweight or obese, that is terrible. Now I don't think we all need to be Hollywood worthy, but what happened to taking care of ourselves. Now I realize many people are busy, stressed, and just don't always have time to exercise and what not, but get off your ass and start exercising or something. It is not always completely your fault for becoming overweight. Some people are predisposed genetically to become overweight.

I don't mean you can blame your parents, and blame your parents for the way you are. Although as a nation instead of waiting until we become fat to go on crash diets, and ,"super fast," weight loss system. Why don't we just teach our kids how to stay healthy, and in turn even practice what you preach. If mom and dad eat crap, on top of fat, loaded up with cholesterol, just for a midnight snack. If we grew up knowing that we need all our foods and actually eating them, we will be much more likely to maintain a healthy life style as we grow into adults.

Looking at the extreme there are t.v. shows about people so fat they can no longer walk anymore, and have to go to a specialized hospital for assisted living. Once there, after needing 5+ people to get them to their bed, they will have a reduced diet, and begin exercise. But their diet is an average person's binge on vacations, 2500 calorie diet, and their exercise is raising their arms in the air and eventually walking. Now if this sounds strange and disturbing, good, if it doesn't I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but you may have to go step on the scale. Although you are not alone don't worry we becoming bigger and bigger, but we are accepting that fact. We can't do this, being obese needs do be a thing of the past, there is no reason not to be healthy and live a longer happier life.

March 25, 2008

Night light

Look into the sky at night, what is the brightest thing in the sky? Hopefully you said the moon. The moon has been important parts of my ancient cultures, it is after all the brightest thing in the sky and we many people need it for light during the night. Many made up folk tales of how it came to be, unfortunately none of them were quite right, but even scientists struggled and debated for years where it came form. So where did it come from?

Well after all of that debating finally evidence was given that in fact the moon used to be part of the earth. Some millions of years ago earth and another smaller planet collided. This caused a lot of turbulence and problems in the earth, as you could imagine. The temperature of the earth greatly rose and with a large chunk was chipped off. This happened because the two didn't collide head on, it was more of a glancing blow. So the piece finally flew off but didn't float off into space because it was trapped by our planet's gravitational pull. So it was that is how it came to be, so after being bombarded by numerous meteorites, because it has no atmosphere, giving us the cheesy moon we know and love today.

March 23, 2008

I am Legend

I am Legend is a movie that recently came out on video. I have now seen it twice, in the theater and on DVD. Overall I do like this movie. It is a good plot, and who can complain of Will Smith's acting. It is a classic situation that many of us wonder about, what would I do if I were the last person alive? Now I don't think the majority of us would not plan on the zombies or want them, although with out them this movie would not have much of a point. This was an action packed thriller, and as I said I really did like watching it, would watch it again, and recommend it, but there is one complaint I have.

The complaint I do have it that it is a depressing movie. You feel sorry of
Doctor Nevil, he is a genuine man and wants to cure all of the, "people," of the disease they have, despite the fact the are so far gone, there whole world is stay away from the sun, go out at dark, and kill anything that isn't like you. This is typical of any zombie movie, but I was generally sad when I saw the frustration he went through of having no one there. If you haven't seen it and don't want it ruined, read at your own risk. The one person he does have is his dog Sam. Now we all know that we love dogs, even if you prefer cats, you know when you see a dog in a movie you can't help yourself in liking it. That is why when Sam is killed by the zombies you can't help but just feel crushed, how could you let the dog die? Especially after she saved Nevil's life, and even when he tries to cure her you still let her die. I don't know if this is just because of the movie or if there were other factors; stuff that is in my life and what not that contributed but it just got to me. In the end... I guess I won't completely ruin it, but it's all good, because it's a movie.

March 19, 2008


Candy is the ultimate treat. You could argue for some deserts; cake or ice cream but I pretty sure that candy would still beat them out. Now there are a few kinds; chocolate, toffees, and hard candies. They all have different textures, hardness, and flavors. They seem to just have magical powers. Some how you just feel better when you eat some candy. They bring happiness to all, yes a little more to kids that adults, but all ages can enjoy a good treat.

I personally like hard candies the best. I like the suckers, candy canes, and other such treats. Despite my opinion, the majority of people would favor chocolate. It has been around for a while, pleasing generations one after the other. There are a lot of different kinds, and mixtures. Hershey is one of the largest producing chocolate makers in the world, and produces enough chocolate Hershey's bars in a year to go around the world two and half times, that just goes to show not only how fat the U.S. and world is getting but also how much we love the sweet stuff.

March 18, 2008

The Greatest Mind

If there was one person in history that I would like to meet, one of the people at the top of my list would be a man by the name of Leonardo Da Vinci. He did countless things, made advancements in many area of science and art, and is called the father of many of his favorite topics. It is amazing that he was able to do so much in just one life time. Today his notebooks are prised possessions, one even sold for 28 million dollars, to another well known name, Bill Gates. Even though all of his ideas, designs, and inventions didn't always work, his concepts were revolutionary.

We have all seen the last supper and the Monalisa, but despite his knack for painting/drawing, he was one of the smartest men in all of history. Da Vinci thought of ways to fly, one of the first. Now it wasn't the traditional strap on some wings and jump off a building, the norm of the time. Instead he studied birds, and aerodynamics with water, and came up with a few ideas on how to fly. First he had the Da Vinci screw, better known as a helicopter, a glider, and another flying device resembling a birds wings. This final one was actually made recently and it did fly with a few modern improvements. He also designed a parachute that worked with no modern improvements. Another technological advancement made by him was in robotics/ and mechanics. He designed many self, "programed," objects that where highly complicated systems of gears and other mechanisms. One such item was a what can only be described as an ancient tank. Just to get into this guy's head would boggle most of us intelligent kids.

Another thing that Da Vinci began was the study of the human biology. He preformed multiple autopsies, made accurate drawings, observations, and discoveries on the bodies functions. Although this may seem a bit odd, why would some guy go around looking for dead people to cut open just to see inside? This is strange, or at least I think so, but he made up for it with his astute discoveries on the body.

Da Vici is one of the most influential people of all time, making advancements in nearly every field possible to him. I can't imagine being as active as he was. His mind must have been going a mile a minute every minute of his life and truly had one of the greatest minds in history.

March 17, 2008


Looking back ohh say 10,000 years, which in the grand scheme of things is not actually that old, it is amazing that we humans, homo sapiens sapiens, have accomplished so much. When we first came around all we had was some fire and sticks. If one of our very very old ancestors were to walk through say New York, he would be amazed. Buildings made of metal, thousands of feet tall, "fire," or electricity at the push of a button, cars, and all the other advances he could have just begging to comprehend looking at his fire and stick.

The advances we have made from then to me are amazing. It may not always seem like with some of the people you and I know but we as a species are extremely smart. We have manipulated nearly every part of the earth to cater to us,(unfortunately this is catching up with us, ie. global warming). It took thousands of years for us to populate the earth, but now we can be to any spot in the world in days time. Food is readily available to us, forget hunting it for ourselves, we can have what we want when we want. There are two other things that I think no one in ancient times could have imagined. The first being guns, missiles/atomic bombs, and just weapons in general. The days of clubs and rocks have long been gone. We as humans have the power to kill thousands and even millions by simply launching a thousand pound object. And finally, the fact that we have left this planet, and sent robots to others. Good ol' caveman looked at the sky and saw darkness with pretty lights, we no know there is a vast vast emptiness seemingly endless. What I would want to know the most though is what he would think of our society, have we lived up to his expectations.

March 16, 2008

Into the Abyss

For my research I am going to talk about black holes. Now I may have to narrow that because I had no idea how much goes into this topic. There are so many theories, people, and phenomena that have to be explained. Before going out and researching I thought this wasn't such a full topic. I already knew the basic ideas around the black hole, but I didn't know where those came from.

People like
Einstein who lived nearly 100 years ago began the concept of a black hole, gravitational forces, and time. All of these tie into black holes. He came up with the theory of gravitational relativity. Now this is a little complicated but, gravity essentially warps space and time. The easiest way to understand this is a trampoline analogy. Think of a planet or star as a ball on the trampoline like a basket ball. Obviously the trampling is going to warp and bend around it. Now think of time and light as marbles you roll towards the, "star," they are going to take a curved path around it. Now make a black hole after the star explodes, making a bowling ball. Send the marbles back exactly the same and they will curve, but they do not escape, they continue going around in circles until the reach the black hole. Now this is a watered down uncomplicated explanation of what a black hole is and does, which is what I will have to do because of my audience of students who are uneducated on this topic.

Another main topic that I want to discuss is the formation of black holes. Interestingly there are more that one kind, actually 3-4 depending on how you look at it. Some were just left over from the formation of the universe and the
big bang. Then there are those that are made from the death of a star, and a supernova, or when the star basically implodes on it's self when it's fuel runs out. There are still more types of black holes that form other ways. I don't think I will have enough time to cover them all.

There are still other questions in the paper that I will have to address like, where are they now, what are they like, is it a worm hole, how are we finding them, and how are we studying them? My paper is probably going to be long. I have already learned a ton of information and I have only scratched the surface.

March 11, 2008

Tribute to the Best

Brett Favre is the best quarter back ever. Unfortuantly all of us Packer fans have to recongnize the fact that after seventeen great years Brett has to move on. We all know that he has accomplished so much, and holds nearly every record that he can, even interceptions which I do think is impressive and just part of his style. Even though I wish he could continue, I realize that for a 38+ year old man playing a physically demanding game like football must be hard. Then there is the pressure that comes with being a quarterback, the studying and preperation that he must put in.
Brett is one of the main reasons that football is my favorite sport. Seeing him play each and every Sunday for the past seventeen years, probably closer to 10 for me, is great. First of all that is amazing, and also a record, that you can come out for that many games in a row. But I more enjoy watching him play becasue despite his age he still acts just like a kid when he is playing. He has a great charisma, many NFL players loose the fun in the game, they get all wrapped up in the money, playoffs, and pressures. But Brett never does this, he does focus but watching him play is so fun that I just hope that Aaron Rogers will have the same style, and of course that he is good.

It was great to watch Brett Favre for so many years and I wish him the best of luck, and he is the one of my heros, and I will miss him on Sundays come next fall.

March 8, 2008

Justice, Shmustice

Many of you know about all of the celebrities that have been arrested and charged with numerous crimes, ranging from robbery, to rape, to murder. Most recently it has been Barry Bonds and Rodger Clemens in the infamous baseball steroids scandal. Each and every person in this country who knows about this also knows that they did take steroids. So why doesn't one of them or any of the other, "athletes," who has cheated grow some balls and own up to it. Now I would have more respect for someone who were to own up to it and admit they were wrong than continue to insist they are not lying. It does amaze me that many of these guys are actually going to jail, not just getting off with a slap on the wrist.

It is about time people are going to jail for the crimes they committed, as opposed to the past when O.J., and Michael (not Mr. Ayers), got off the hook. We all know that O.J. killed his wife or girlfriend thing, and Michael went to far with those kids, but somehow they got the jury who liked O.J.'s moves on the field, and the other who had followed Michael through the Jackson five. What gives them the right to be above the law? If you see in the paper some guy stabbed his wife to death, you are disgusted but when O.J. does it, it's just a joke. What is wrong with our country that just because a lot of people know you name and what you can do, you get of easier than the rest. If anything you should crack down on celebrities instead of doing nothing because people look up to them. Although there is something even more disturbing when the people in this country sue others for no reason or their own stupidity.

The cases that so many of us have heard. The lady spills hot coffee on her lap form McDonald's and gets money from them because she is a klutz. Why didn't you just sue the pants company for not making spill proof pants, or the guy who invented coffee. Then of course the robber who is stealing and ripping off some lady, falls down on a knife in here house and sues her. Because of course when the robbers come into your house you invite them to stay, have coffee, give them your credit cards, the combinations to all your locks, let them know where the best stuff is, and help them load it into your car and drive off. Then of course yo make sure that all the knives and other pointy object, such as tables and chairs are thoroughly wrapped in bubble wrap. Although the majority of our cases and justice system works pretty well, only hearing these horror stories just makes you wonder how much justice actually happens. This to me just shows that although we are the, "greatest nation on earth," we are still pretty fu, eh hmm, screwed up.

March 6, 2008

Research Topics

  1. Pluto-should this be included as a planet. This is a new idea, we all grew up being taught that it was a planet and many scientists have demoted it.
  2. Black holes-theorized by Albert Einstein and recently proven, this is an interesting hole in the universe. There are plenty of theories of why they exist and form.
  3. Romans, Alexander the Great, or another ancient civilization-research an old nation and how they functioned, but more specifically their technologies and advanced they made.

March 5, 2008


So as I am sure you know, seeing as we are all great students who have memorized each and every word mentioned by Ayers, we have a research paper coming up. So as I have been generating ideas many of my topics involve space, planets, and other such astronomically related things along with the title of my last essay, by a mere coincidence, was titled Women are from Venus, Men are from Mars, I thought I would right about some of my thoughts on the vast subject of the creation of the universe and life.

Now I know all about the theory of creation, I was brought up in a Christian house and in fact my grandfather was a priest. Despite all of this I believe it as much as I think the earth is flat. In my opinion it is just a story that was made up a long time ago when they had no idea where they came from, so they just made a story that seemed logical to them. Although now a days it is no longer logical, we now know about other planets, galaxies, and numerous other science related things. For this reason, I trust the scientific explanation of the formation of the universe, the big bang. Now I have learned about it in our science classes here at school, but I have also learned more about it watching t.v. Yes, I am the kind of dork who watches the discovery/history channel. From my understanding the universe some billions and billions of years ago was compressed into a single point of matter. Basically everything, ever was compacted into the most dense thing ever. You and I would be smaller than the atoms we are composed of if compressed to degree of the universe. Then it was triggered, and the universe expanded and is still expanding and will continue expanding for such a long time that you and I will be long gone, and that even the earth possibly even the milky way will have long died out. Then unfortunately the universe its self will be so stretched that all matter will be stretched and ripped apart. I don't know about you although that does sound painful, it also sounds really cool to me, then again I am a dork that watches this stuff on t.v.

To try to comprehend this topic I do realize is complicated, but the way I look at it is that in terms of the formation of everything it is actually pretty simple. If I were asked to come up with the theory of how the universe was formed I know I wouldn't expect it to be as easy as, "well, everything was all scrunched together and then it explode and it all spilled out." Even with this there are questions. I have many, such as, what was happening way back when before the universe exploded? If the universe is expanding, then what is outside of that? And of course one of my favorites, if our universe was that small, then couldn't there be a lot more that could have also formed? This is the main reason why this topic just boggles my mind. Since there are no answers you get to make up your own. I personally can spend quite a bit of pondering this subject. So far I have come up with that before the big bang happened there was nothing around the ball of infinitely dense matter. Now this is hard to picture and I have never managed to do this but I think nothing is seeing clear for ever. (Try to do it, it is much harder to do than it sounds, because no one has ever seen it). This is also what I think is outside of our universe and inbetween others.

As for creationism, I think there are so many more holes in that theory than there is in the big bang. I don't get how you can just create and entire planet out of thin air. To me it just seems impossible that some guy, no one has ever seen just waves his hand and there we are. This on top of the fact that it didn't explain the forming of space, or not at least until it was discovered further showing that this was only made to explain what people had no clue about. Just spending time thinking about this gets me going, as you can probably see from the length of this. I explains where I came from and how everything just works out and fits together.

March 3, 2008

Women are from Venus, Men are from Mars

As rug-rats we all heard and repeated the rhymes, then we grew a little and went through one of the most awkward days of our lives when we learned about...puberty. We all knew that boys and girls were different; the pee-pees and hoo-hoos, but that changed our lives. So we learned this and the next day we all looked at the opposite sex a little different. We do this each day for the rest of our lives, but sadly no one will ever know all there is to know about the others.

Seeing as I am not a girl, and there fore know less about them I will be talking about/questioning there actions. I know guys are the devil; all of us are pigs, jerks, sexist, and stupid. I honestly know some girls who believe this, and I am not saying all so please do not give me a million posts saying,"Ugh...I'm not like that!" I will grant there are a select few that evolution has not quite had the chance to weed out yet but for the majority the sexes are nearly even in terms of the number of jerks, pigs, idiots, and sexists.

I personally do not think that women are self-conscious, emotional, and nagging as many stereotypes label them. It is interesting though how much different our interactions are between males and females, at least I notice that I treat women much nicer and try to seem all around ,"better." I don't consciously do it but I just as everyone else act in different ways when in the presence of the opposite sex. I know some guys who's voices get deeper each time they talk to a girl, and I would assume that girls will tweak their behavior just as guys. The funny thing is that you don't even have to be attracted to them, but you are going to act differently towards the other group.

I don't think that anyone has ever been able to figure out ,"the way," to interact, because if they had we wouldn't have to go through all of this difficulty in figuring out what is he/she thinking right now, did I do this or this right. If someone had they would surely be among the minds of Plato and Socrates. I don't think that I will ever be able to figure out women and there strange ways and doubt anyone ever will.