Unbelievable Yet Amazing

March 5, 2008


So as I am sure you know, seeing as we are all great students who have memorized each and every word mentioned by Ayers, we have a research paper coming up. So as I have been generating ideas many of my topics involve space, planets, and other such astronomically related things along with the title of my last essay, by a mere coincidence, was titled Women are from Venus, Men are from Mars, I thought I would right about some of my thoughts on the vast subject of the creation of the universe and life.

Now I know all about the theory of creation, I was brought up in a Christian house and in fact my grandfather was a priest. Despite all of this I believe it as much as I think the earth is flat. In my opinion it is just a story that was made up a long time ago when they had no idea where they came from, so they just made a story that seemed logical to them. Although now a days it is no longer logical, we now know about other planets, galaxies, and numerous other science related things. For this reason, I trust the scientific explanation of the formation of the universe, the big bang. Now I have learned about it in our science classes here at school, but I have also learned more about it watching t.v. Yes, I am the kind of dork who watches the discovery/history channel. From my understanding the universe some billions and billions of years ago was compressed into a single point of matter. Basically everything, ever was compacted into the most dense thing ever. You and I would be smaller than the atoms we are composed of if compressed to degree of the universe. Then it was triggered, and the universe expanded and is still expanding and will continue expanding for such a long time that you and I will be long gone, and that even the earth possibly even the milky way will have long died out. Then unfortunately the universe its self will be so stretched that all matter will be stretched and ripped apart. I don't know about you although that does sound painful, it also sounds really cool to me, then again I am a dork that watches this stuff on t.v.

To try to comprehend this topic I do realize is complicated, but the way I look at it is that in terms of the formation of everything it is actually pretty simple. If I were asked to come up with the theory of how the universe was formed I know I wouldn't expect it to be as easy as, "well, everything was all scrunched together and then it explode and it all spilled out." Even with this there are questions. I have many, such as, what was happening way back when before the universe exploded? If the universe is expanding, then what is outside of that? And of course one of my favorites, if our universe was that small, then couldn't there be a lot more that could have also formed? This is the main reason why this topic just boggles my mind. Since there are no answers you get to make up your own. I personally can spend quite a bit of pondering this subject. So far I have come up with that before the big bang happened there was nothing around the ball of infinitely dense matter. Now this is hard to picture and I have never managed to do this but I think nothing is seeing clear for ever. (Try to do it, it is much harder to do than it sounds, because no one has ever seen it). This is also what I think is outside of our universe and inbetween others.

As for creationism, I think there are so many more holes in that theory than there is in the big bang. I don't get how you can just create and entire planet out of thin air. To me it just seems impossible that some guy, no one has ever seen just waves his hand and there we are. This on top of the fact that it didn't explain the forming of space, or not at least until it was discovered further showing that this was only made to explain what people had no clue about. Just spending time thinking about this gets me going, as you can probably see from the length of this. I explains where I came from and how everything just works out and fits together.

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