Unbelievable Yet Amazing

March 23, 2008

I am Legend

I am Legend is a movie that recently came out on video. I have now seen it twice, in the theater and on DVD. Overall I do like this movie. It is a good plot, and who can complain of Will Smith's acting. It is a classic situation that many of us wonder about, what would I do if I were the last person alive? Now I don't think the majority of us would not plan on the zombies or want them, although with out them this movie would not have much of a point. This was an action packed thriller, and as I said I really did like watching it, would watch it again, and recommend it, but there is one complaint I have.

The complaint I do have it that it is a depressing movie. You feel sorry of
Doctor Nevil, he is a genuine man and wants to cure all of the, "people," of the disease they have, despite the fact the are so far gone, there whole world is stay away from the sun, go out at dark, and kill anything that isn't like you. This is typical of any zombie movie, but I was generally sad when I saw the frustration he went through of having no one there. If you haven't seen it and don't want it ruined, read at your own risk. The one person he does have is his dog Sam. Now we all know that we love dogs, even if you prefer cats, you know when you see a dog in a movie you can't help yourself in liking it. That is why when Sam is killed by the zombies you can't help but just feel crushed, how could you let the dog die? Especially after she saved Nevil's life, and even when he tries to cure her you still let her die. I don't know if this is just because of the movie or if there were other factors; stuff that is in my life and what not that contributed but it just got to me. In the end... I guess I won't completely ruin it, but it's all good, because it's a movie.

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