Unbelievable Yet Amazing

March 26, 2008

Gettin' the Junk in the Trunk

Nearly 65% of people in America age overweight or obese, that is terrible. Now I don't think we all need to be Hollywood worthy, but what happened to taking care of ourselves. Now I realize many people are busy, stressed, and just don't always have time to exercise and what not, but get off your ass and start exercising or something. It is not always completely your fault for becoming overweight. Some people are predisposed genetically to become overweight.

I don't mean you can blame your parents, and blame your parents for the way you are. Although as a nation instead of waiting until we become fat to go on crash diets, and ,"super fast," weight loss system. Why don't we just teach our kids how to stay healthy, and in turn even practice what you preach. If mom and dad eat crap, on top of fat, loaded up with cholesterol, just for a midnight snack. If we grew up knowing that we need all our foods and actually eating them, we will be much more likely to maintain a healthy life style as we grow into adults.

Looking at the extreme there are t.v. shows about people so fat they can no longer walk anymore, and have to go to a specialized hospital for assisted living. Once there, after needing 5+ people to get them to their bed, they will have a reduced diet, and begin exercise. But their diet is an average person's binge on vacations, 2500 calorie diet, and their exercise is raising their arms in the air and eventually walking. Now if this sounds strange and disturbing, good, if it doesn't I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but you may have to go step on the scale. Although you are not alone don't worry we becoming bigger and bigger, but we are accepting that fact. We can't do this, being obese needs do be a thing of the past, there is no reason not to be healthy and live a longer happier life.

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