Unbelievable Yet Amazing

March 3, 2008

Women are from Venus, Men are from Mars

As rug-rats we all heard and repeated the rhymes, then we grew a little and went through one of the most awkward days of our lives when we learned about...puberty. We all knew that boys and girls were different; the pee-pees and hoo-hoos, but that changed our lives. So we learned this and the next day we all looked at the opposite sex a little different. We do this each day for the rest of our lives, but sadly no one will ever know all there is to know about the others.

Seeing as I am not a girl, and there fore know less about them I will be talking about/questioning there actions. I know guys are the devil; all of us are pigs, jerks, sexist, and stupid. I honestly know some girls who believe this, and I am not saying all so please do not give me a million posts saying,"Ugh...I'm not like that!" I will grant there are a select few that evolution has not quite had the chance to weed out yet but for the majority the sexes are nearly even in terms of the number of jerks, pigs, idiots, and sexists.

I personally do not think that women are self-conscious, emotional, and nagging as many stereotypes label them. It is interesting though how much different our interactions are between males and females, at least I notice that I treat women much nicer and try to seem all around ,"better." I don't consciously do it but I just as everyone else act in different ways when in the presence of the opposite sex. I know some guys who's voices get deeper each time they talk to a girl, and I would assume that girls will tweak their behavior just as guys. The funny thing is that you don't even have to be attracted to them, but you are going to act differently towards the other group.

I don't think that anyone has ever been able to figure out ,"the way," to interact, because if they had we wouldn't have to go through all of this difficulty in figuring out what is he/she thinking right now, did I do this or this right. If someone had they would surely be among the minds of Plato and Socrates. I don't think that I will ever be able to figure out women and there strange ways and doubt anyone ever will.