Unbelievable Yet Amazing

March 8, 2008

Justice, Shmustice

Many of you know about all of the celebrities that have been arrested and charged with numerous crimes, ranging from robbery, to rape, to murder. Most recently it has been Barry Bonds and Rodger Clemens in the infamous baseball steroids scandal. Each and every person in this country who knows about this also knows that they did take steroids. So why doesn't one of them or any of the other, "athletes," who has cheated grow some balls and own up to it. Now I would have more respect for someone who were to own up to it and admit they were wrong than continue to insist they are not lying. It does amaze me that many of these guys are actually going to jail, not just getting off with a slap on the wrist.

It is about time people are going to jail for the crimes they committed, as opposed to the past when O.J., and Michael (not Mr. Ayers), got off the hook. We all know that O.J. killed his wife or girlfriend thing, and Michael went to far with those kids, but somehow they got the jury who liked O.J.'s moves on the field, and the other who had followed Michael through the Jackson five. What gives them the right to be above the law? If you see in the paper some guy stabbed his wife to death, you are disgusted but when O.J. does it, it's just a joke. What is wrong with our country that just because a lot of people know you name and what you can do, you get of easier than the rest. If anything you should crack down on celebrities instead of doing nothing because people look up to them. Although there is something even more disturbing when the people in this country sue others for no reason or their own stupidity.

The cases that so many of us have heard. The lady spills hot coffee on her lap form McDonald's and gets money from them because she is a klutz. Why didn't you just sue the pants company for not making spill proof pants, or the guy who invented coffee. Then of course the robber who is stealing and ripping off some lady, falls down on a knife in here house and sues her. Because of course when the robbers come into your house you invite them to stay, have coffee, give them your credit cards, the combinations to all your locks, let them know where the best stuff is, and help them load it into your car and drive off. Then of course yo make sure that all the knives and other pointy object, such as tables and chairs are thoroughly wrapped in bubble wrap. Although the majority of our cases and justice system works pretty well, only hearing these horror stories just makes you wonder how much justice actually happens. This to me just shows that although we are the, "greatest nation on earth," we are still pretty fu, eh hmm, screwed up.

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