Unbelievable Yet Amazing

April 27, 2008

Where is Mexico?

Mexico, our amigos to the south. We seem to have a problem with many of them sneaking into our country and it has become somewhat of a problem. There are so many that we can't ever keep track of them, but I don't really want to talk politics about the, "growing epidemic in America." It many be a hot topic for the upcoming election but something I have had on my mind much longer has to do with keeping track of Mexico in a differnt way.

Why does no one know which connitnent Mexico is a part of . You ask some they say, South America, others say North America, and even others will just tell you its Central America. I'm pretty sure that last one can't be right because well; Aisa, Norh America, South..., that would make eight conntinents and I have always been tole that there were seven so that one is out. I personaly think that it is North America becasue all we have is the U.S., Canada, and Greenland, that isn't too many, compared to most other continents. So if it's a matter of fairness I think it should be included in North America, eventhough some of us Americans don't really like Mexico. This is probably one of the most random things I have written about but I would still like to know which one you think, have a survey if you will on which side you would like it on.

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