Unbelievable Yet Amazing

April 16, 2008

Truman at Home

Have you ever seen the Truman show? If not this may not make sense because I am not going to explain it much. What I want to talk about is if you ever get that feeling after you have watched it that you are like Jim Carey. Now it just may be me but for a month or so after it I would constantly wonder, what if this is all fake and everyone is just watching me. If my whole life was a lie, if everyone I knew was just acting, and this is not really what the world is like. Now I know this isn't right but you can't just help but think it and wonder about it. If it were actually happening to me I think I would want to know. I would just feel that my life was fake, and I got jipped out of living it.

I wonder what would be more appealing; a show of someone who as a perfect life, like in the Truman show, or a really crappy life. Now although the whole idea isn't ethical, let alone making someone live a crappy life where bad things happen to them all the time. Putting aside the ethical part I think a bad life would be more interesting, you know the wow I guess my life isn't that bad. This wasn't spurred by anything just another one of those moments when I thought everyone may be watching.

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