Unbelievable Yet Amazing

April 29, 2008

Raw Power

There is so much that we think of as "strong." We start off with just a human being that is made of muscle, lifting hundreds of pounds. I know if I were to meet someone who was 6 feet plus and ripped then I may be a little scared. But there are plenty of machines that are much stronger than a human ever has been. There are all sorts of cars that could pull something a few times heavier than a human ever has. It is strange that we think a human is strong when they can lift a certain amount and be considered incredibly strong, but then I have seen commercials for trucks that can hall thousands of pounds, much more then a human could. So why is that considered a human considered strong even thought there are tons of things much more powerful.

Then we keep bumping it up, take bombs. A car has no where near the power an atomic bomb does. It has the strength to destroy an entire city in a matter of seconds. This is the strongest thing we as humans can make. Then nature beats us out with a number of phenomena; tornadoes, hurricanes, and volcanoes. All of these, especially a volcano can be just as if not stronger than an atomic bomb. Then finally we journey out to space where the formation, death, and collisions make the earth powers look like babies. Out in space things occur that could completely destroy the entire earth if they happened close to us. Yet despite these awesome powers and strength that could destroy a whole planet, if a man can lift a 1000 lbs. he is strong.

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