Unbelievable Yet Amazing

April 23, 2008

The Endless Debate

There is one debate that I believe will never be answered, that is the debate of religion. Now this debate can go in two different ways; the first is which religion is right and another, which can include everyone is the debate of whether god is real or not. Now I'm not making this to pick a side on these, I'm not even going to say which side I believe is right.

In school, this year especially, I have heard this debate over and over again. It often will escalate and people get frustrated, mad, and no progress is made for either side because it will always get hung up because it just comes down to a matter of faith, do you or don't you. You can argue and argue;Believers: well how can like 99% of people who believe in a god be wrong.

Non-believers: it has happened before, the earth being round not flat, or that the earth is the center of the universe.

Atheists: there is no way for you to prove the existence of god.

Faithful: there is no way for you to disprove his existence, that is the test he has, do you believe in him.

Believer: what about the written truth and existence of the people who made journeys for god, like the saviors; Jesus, Muhammad, and other religious figures?

Non-believer: that is the point, you get all of this form a book written a long, long time ago. Yes, those people are real, but today people who hear voices are considered insane, not a prophet.

What it comes down to is neither side can sway the others' beliefs. The atheist will use your faith against you, and scorn you for believing in something you can't see or prove, just aimlessly following what a priest or another teacher. While, a religious person is going to condemn you for not believing in the god that gave you life, not putting your faith and belief in him, the only thing he asks.

My opinion, since you are not going to sway a person either way on this, everyone just needs to accept the other, not believe only accept it. I don't mean you can't debate over it, because who doesn't like to argue? But do it in a constructive manner, don't condemn the other, don't tell the other they are wasting their time. Don't judge someone else by what they believe, judge them on who they are, what their morals are, both sides will have bad people, and both will have good.

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